The Pirate Duchess by Rue Allyn

The Pirate Duchess by Rue Allyn

Author:Rue Allyn
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Historical Romance, Regency Romance, Steamy Historical Romance, Pirate Romance, Enemies to Lovers
Publisher: Rue Allyn
Published: 2023-01-09T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Eleven

Esme finished buttoning her dark blouse then pinned on her watch. Given her reception by Lady Enid and then the duke, she resigned herself to a difficult day. A knock sounded at the door. She strode to the portal and opened it. Before her stood a footman.

“The duke wishes to see you, Miss. I was ordered to escort you to His Grace’s chambers.”

I’m not certain I want to see him. She’d gone over and over her encounter with the duke in her mind and remained uncertain of her welcome. She might be best served to avoid another meeting and be on her way. If she were to leave, she wanted, to get to Cairndow before dark.

“Very well,” she sighed, retrieved her reticule, and followed where the footman led.

Best to know what His Grace had determined about her.

The footman descended to the first floor then traversed a warren of corridors. She had an excellent sense of direction, but, if left to herself, she would probably starve before she found her way back to the main hall.

Maybe that’s the plan. Arrange for my disappearance so no one would ever learn how heartless this clan is.

She nearly collided with the footman when he stopped abruptly before a door in a distant wing and knocked.

The door opened to reveal Oak and, beyond him, a comfortably furnished but otherwise empty salon.

“Miss Crobbin to see His Grace,” announced the footman.

Oak uttered his thanks, and the footman left.

“Please come in Miss Crobbin. His Grace is having breakfast in his private dining parlor and wishes you to join him.”

Esme nodded her consent then followed Oak through the room to another door. He opened it and announced her, then seated her in a chair opposite the duke. His Grace waited in silence with her until Oak set a laden plate before her.

She blinked twice at the amount of food on the plate. “Thank you, Oak. However, I’ll not be able to finish even half of this.”

The duke placed a serviette in his lap then picked up his knife and fork. “Eat what you can, Miss Crobbin. Cook won’t be offended if you leave something. But I warn you, do eat all of your scone. Mistress Leaf, our baker, will be heartbroken if you don’t.”

He smiled at her, showing that snaggled tooth once more.

Gilroy! Gilroy has a tooth almost exactly like that.

Shock left her staring. Could the Captain be related to Cowal? How? How had she not considered that?

Because, save for Mary Katherine, I did not look closely at the duke’s family.

“Miss Crobbin, do you prefer tea or coffee?” Oak asked.

The man-servant’s voice brought her attention back to the moment.

“Coffee, please. Black.”

“There!” exclaimed the duke. “You owe me tuppence, Oak. I told you she would request coffee. There’s a trace of American in her speech, and those people seem to prefer coffee as a rule.”

The duke and Oak exchanged grins.

“Will that be all, Your Grace?”

“Yes, Oak. You may leave us. I’ll ring when I need you again.”

Returning his gaze to Esme.


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